A famous BloggerCon tradition are the Food For Thought dinners, which are held at local restaurants on the first night of the conference (if there's more than one).
Sylvia Paull made the reservations. She writes: "I booked two restaurants for 6:30PM Friday, and pre-ordered the food, which will cost $20 including tax and tip at each restaurant. People can buy drinks on their own. People can sit around individual tables or group tables, whatever they like. One person should be designated to collect the cash at each venue before the meal is served, and then people will pay for drinks when they order them. I will be glad collect cash at Canton, which has more people. If we need another place, I'll get one on Friday (I have some reserves), but I think 120 dinner places should do it. Canton can actually hold 20 more people if we need it."
suggestion: why don't we all just eat in the same restaurant that holds us all, rather than splitting up? We have 70 total.
655 Folsom at Hawthorne, 70 people. Spicy Cantonese.
- Sylvia Paull -- Cash collector
- Marc Canter
- Chris Heuer
- Sean W. Bohan
- Chris
- Ponzi
- Don Hopkins
- Evan Paull
- Shannon Clark
- Doc Searls
- Dan Farber
- Terry Heaton
- Tom Maddox
- Richard Macmanus
- Dmitriy Kruglyak
- Gabe Rivera
- Frank Gruber
- Jake Ludington
Restaurant #2 -- Chai Am
701 Folsom at Fourth St, 50 people. Thai food.
- Marc Barrot -- Cash collector
- Dave Winer
- Nick Bradbury
- Scott Johnson -- may be late (sorry; schedule conflict)
- Phil Wolff
- Frank Paynter
- Enoch Choi
- Niall Kennedy
- Roland Tanglao
- Rex Hammock
- Greg Narain
- Kristie Wells
- Steven Frein
- Mary Hodder
- John Stanforth
- Yu Shan Chuang
- George Mac Donald
- Lance Knobel
- Robert Cox
- Dr. Maria Cox
- Matthew Carrico
- Kelsey Heikoop
- Buzz Bruggeman
- Richard Giles
- Clay Cook
- Dave Hodson
- John Anderson
- Eileen Zar
- Shawn Bolan
- Mark Glaser
- Ramin Firoozye
- Lisa Williams
- Susan Mernit
- Scott Beale
- Mary Tsao
- Esme Vos
- Carol Singh
- Kaliya Identity Woman
- David Ryder
- Brian Chiko
- Joel Sacks (tentative)
- Christopher Herot
- Lisa Stone
- Chris
- Markus Frind
- Annie
- David Weinberger
- Mike Sigal
Note: The password is goopproof.
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