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on July 3, 2008 at 3:56:43 am
Welcome to the BloggerCon IV sign-up wiki
This is where you go to sign up for BloggerCon IV , June 23-24 in San Francisco. If you want to sign up for the conference, add your name to the list below. We only have room for 125 participants (leaving room for the discussion leaders, their invited guests, people working on the conference, etc). So if you're not among the first 125 to sign-up, you can still come, and you might get in (there are always some no-shows) or use the wifi outside the conference center to tune into the webcast, and be part of the very casual schmooz.
- Those Bastards, Those Bastards.
- Dave Winer, Scripting News.
- Marc Canter, CEO, Broadband Mechanics.
- Sylvia Paull, Agent Provocateur WhoIsSylvia.
- Steve Gillmor, ZDNet.
- Jay Rosen, NYU Journalism and PressThink.
- Phillip Torrone MAKE Magazine.
- Eric Lin Phonescoop.
- Natalie Zee Coquette.
- Eric J. Wilhelm Instructables/Squid Labs.
- Lance Knobel, Davos Newbies.
- Elisa Camahort, Blogher.
- Jory Des Jardins, Blogher.
- Lisa Stone, Blogher.
- Ryanne Hodson, Vloggercon.
- Jay Dedman, Vloggercon.
- Schlomo Rabinowitz, Vloggercon.
- Chris Pirillo, Gnomedex.
- John Palfrey, Harvard Law School.
- Dan Farber, CNET.
- Niall Kennedy, Microsoft, self.
- Lisa Padilla, Information Colony.
- Richard Macmanus, Read/Write Web.
- Kevin Marks, Technorati.
- Tom Maddox Power Integrations
- Marc Barrot, iJot.
- Susan Mernit, Y!Personals and Susan Mernit's Blog.
- Britt Bravo, Have Fun * Do Good, NetSquared, Blogher
Shawn Bolan, GoGoGetter Fri only - Carleen Hawn, Freelance business tech reporter
- Paolo Valdemarin, eVectors
- Gaurav Bhatnagar, Tekriti
- Ashish Kumar, Tekriti
- Maura Sparks, Broadband Mechanics
- Gabe Rivera, Techmeme, etc.
- Enoch Choi, Medmusings
- Michael Ostrovsky, MedGadget
- Matthew Holt, The Healthcare Blog
- Dmitriy Kruglyak, The Medical Blog Network
- Chris Carfi, Cerado.
- Maria Niles, Consumer Pop.
- Mary Tsao, MomWrites.
- Liz Henry, Composite, othermag, Blogher, badgerbag, Feminist SF.
- Steven Frein, Blog
Sean Gilligan, Vlog Central Unfortunately, I can't make it - Toni Schneider, Automattic
- Roland Tanglao, Bryght
- Sean W. Bohan, MRM Worldwide
- Chris Heuer, BrainJams
- Kristie Wells, BrainJams
- Scott Johnson, Ookles
- Andew Baron, Rocketboom
Grace Davis NOT COMING- Jimmi Johnson
- Wes Middleton
- Chris Jara, Nonmedia Saturday Only
- Frank Paynter, Listics
- Scott Mace, Calendar Swamp
- Ramana Kovi, ePlatform
- Lorenzo Viscanti
- Richard Luebke, iovation
- Robert Cox, WordsInEdgewise.tv
- Gerry Humphrey (aka RAD Moose), BlogStation (Sat. Only)
- Terry Heaton, DONATA
- Mark Glaser PBS Mediashift
- Tom Biro The Media Drop, Open the Dialogue, AdJab, MWW Group
- Chris Thilk Movie Marketing Madness
- Greg Narain, SocialRoots, SocialTwister
- Keith Teare, edgeio
- Mike Arrington, TechCrunch
- Jennifer Allen, Eurekster
- Charlene Li
- Marnie Webb, NetSquared and ext337.org
- Tim Porter First Draft
- Karen Wickre, Google
- Scott Beale, Laughing Squid
- Peter Levinson, AllBusiness.com
- Matthew Carrico, Pro CNC
- Kelsey Heikoop, Pro CNC
- Bill Belew, PanAsianBiz, ZhongHuaRising, RisingSunOfNihon, TheBizOfKnowledge, AManWalksIntoAnOffice
- John Furrier, PodTech.net
- George Mac Donald Ephemeral Workbench
- Jen McClure Society for New Communications Research
- Mark Bernstein Eastgate Tinderbox MarkBernstein
- JD Lasica, Ourmedia
- Michael O'Rourke storytoday.tv
- John Foster
- Paul Kapustka, pulvermedia
- Chip Vanek
- Andy Brown Stumbling around in OPML Land
- Bill Quick, Daily Pundit
- Doug Kaye, The Conversations Network
- Ted Shelton, The Personal Bee, Inc
- Anthony Baker
- David Martin, Media Arts & Sciences
- Michael Calore, wired news and webmonkey
- Rex Hammock, rexblog and Smallbusiness.com
- Dori Smith, dori.com and Backup Brain
- Nick Bradbury, bradsoft.com and nick.typepad.com
- David Young, Joyent and TextDrive and Strongspace
- Chad Williams, blog
- Jesse Lewin, 10 and Work(ing Title)
- Steve Hill, steephill.tv bike travelogue
- Dave McClure , Master of 500 Hats
- Mark Smith
- John Stanforth, Quintivity web services
- Michael Tippett, NowPublic
- Kevin Braithwaite
- Tony Gentile, buzzhit!, Healthline
- Carrie Locke
- Adam Curry - PodShow
- Buzz Bruggeman - ActiveWords
- Obadiah Greenberg - webcast.berkeley
- CrittendenIV - Fellaheen Radio Network
- Pratik Jhaveri - ApnaBlogs
- Ed Batista - AttentionTrust
- Jeff Baron
- David Swain, Text 100
- Nancy Brown
- Susan Anderson
- Ed Bierman
- Paul Auerbach
- Rashmi Sinha
- Jon Boutelle
- Edward Piou piou.org
- Judy Dobry
Rob Hof TechBeat: Friday was great, but will have to settle for attending virtually Saturday.- Anil Dash, Six Apart
- Kathleen Craig, wired news
- Steve Rhodes Tiger Beat
- Esme Vos Muniwireless
- dennis backus Apple
- eileen gittins Blurb
- Tara 'miss rogue' Hunt HorsePigCow and Citizen Agency (dropping in as I am moderating at Supernova)
- Dave Hodson MSN Alerts
- Lisa Williams OPML Fan and Lisa Williams' Weblog and H2otown
- Nick Douglas, Valleywag
- Nitin Borwankar, tagschema
- Ben Gross
- Ramin Firoozye, Wizen.
- Andy Abramson, VoIP Watch
- Robert Raketty, Seattle Blogger (SEABlogger)
- Jeremy Pepper, WSW POP! PR Jots (SF-based)
- Kaliya Hamlin Identity Woman
- Mary Hodder Napsterization
- Lee Wilkins Blog
William Grosso Blog. Can't make it. - Jeff Cheney, Pax Vobiscum and UserLand Software
- Clay Cook, Minti and ineedhits and blog
- Richard Giles, Clique Communications and The Gadget Show
- Robert W. Anderson, Blog and Digipede
- Erik Herz, PodSlug
- Alison Fish, afish
- Stuart Oldham, TV With MeeVee
- Marjorie Kase, TV With MeeVee
- Eddie Codel, Geek Entertainment TV
- Kath Gill, uspolitics and wiredpen.com - I should have done this last week when I came in but didn't see the sign up page. :-/
- Jeff Clavier, Software Only - Like Tara, also moderating at SuperNova
- Rafe Needleman
- Kevin Ritchie
- Doc Searls, Doc's blog - Arriving by redeye, but should be there on time
- Yu Shan Chuang
- Ian Kennedy, blog, Yahoo
- George Canciani
- Ryan Montoya
- Christopher Allen - Life With Alacrity
- Sateesh Narahari
- Mike Manuel, Voce, Media Guerrilla
- Dr. Maria Cox Columbia University Teachers College
- Adam Kalsey
- Andrew Keen
- Dan Lurie, Weblogs Inc.
- Raines Cohen, [http://www.raines.com] - may be by later on Saturday only
- Jon Swenson, Sharkspage
- Scott Faber Ether
- Ron Hirson Ether
- Ebbe Altberg Ether
- Susan Kuchinskas The 360
- Dan Schwab
- Jen Bennett
- Jeremiah Owyang Web Strategy by Jeremiah
- Christopher Salazar e-Bizz
- Dave Mansueto libsyn
- Richard Bennett The Original Blog
- Phil Wolff, Skype Journal
- Eileen Zar
Tim Bishop Geodog Sorry to miss, family obligations conflicting with geek week. Family comes first.- Chris Ritke blog
- Rachna website
- Brian Sullivan CivicEvolution
- Dave Nielsen StrikeIron
- Mariva H. Aviram Mariva's Guide
- Eric Wagner Basetree
- Ed Terpening Wells Fargo
- Jake Ludington MediaBlab
Ross Rader, Tucows, Domain Direct (formerly #84) Everyone moves up a spot! It kills me to say this, but I can't make it. I hope everyone has a gas, learns a ton and makes everything just a little bit better than it is today.- Alexander Grundner eHomeUpgrade
- Lauren Elliott W3pn
- Ben Metcalfe blog (am coming a long way so hope I get in!)
- Eric Risley Architect Partners
- Yobie Benjamin GoodStorm.com
- John Anderson ClipClip
- Hans Chung CrispAds
- Nicole Lee blog
- Vincent Lauuria blog, meetro
- Thomas Hawk Zooomr, Thomas Hawk's Digital Connection
- Manka Johnson OneAccord
- Deepak Goel
- Gerard Ramos
- Robyn Levin R. Levin Marketing Group
- Rodrigo Sepulveda Schulz sepulveda.net & vpod.tv
- Martin McKeay Network Security Blog/Podcast and too many other projects
- Varun Khurana LinknSurf
- Tim Lee Camino Medical Group
- Les Chui
- Michal Klar
- Scott McMullan, ehick.
- Dylan Tweney, PCMagCast, tinywords, and The Tweney Review
- Jim Zellmer, zmetro www.schoolinfosystem.org Doubtful
- Harrison Lynch, letstalk.com
- C Lee
- Ari Soglin, ContraCostaTimes.com
- Brian Dear, Eventful.com, personal blog
- Don Hopkins, blog -- do not use while driving or operating heavy machinery
- Rich Willits
- Shannon Clark, MeshForum and blog will try to be there Friday (if there is space for me...)
- Dan Nash
- Safire, MagicSafire.com, MagicMinis.com, Blog
- Nick Noakes, HKUST
- Chris Preimesberger, eWeek.com blog
- Chris Kzajko, Optimization, SEO
- Mark Belter, Borowka
- Andy Ciosek, CNC Machining
- Sudha Jamthe,Startup Mentor
- Chris Zajkowski, Hplc, Waters
- Adam Brown, Futures, Travel
- Samuel Borsody, Music and Arts Blog, CNC Machining
Note: The password is goopproof.
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