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on June 18, 2010 at 5:45:27 am

Welcome to the BloggerCon IV sign-up wiki


This is where you go to sign up for BloggerCon IV , June 23-24 in San Francisco. If you want to sign up for the conference, add your name to the list below. We only have room for 125 participants (leaving room for the discussion leaders, their invited guests, people working on the conference, etc). So if you're not among the first 125 to sign-up, you can still come, and you might get in (there are always some no-shows) or use the wifi outside the conference center to tune into the webcast, and be part of the very casual schmooz.



  1. Those Bastards, Those Bastards.
  2. Dave Winer, Scripting News.
  3. Marc Canter, CEO, Broadband Mechanics.
  4. Sylvia Paull, Agent Provocateur WhoIsSylvia.
  5. Steve Gillmor, ZDNet.
  6. Jay Rosen, NYU Journalism and PressThink.
  7. Phillip Torrone MAKE Magazine.
  8. Natalie Zee Coquette.
  9. Elisa Camahort, Blogher.
  10. Ryanne Hodson, Vloggercon.
  11. alexander samuel borsody music and arts blog
  12. Chris Pirillo, Gnomedex.
  13. John Palfrey, Harvard Law School.
  14. Dan Farber, CNET. 
  15. Richard Macmanus, Read/Write Web.
  16. Kevin Marks, Technorati.
  17. Tom Maddox Power Integrations
  18. Britt Bravo, Have Fun * Do Good, NetSquared, Blogher
  19. Robert Cox, WordsInEdgewise.tv
  20. Gerry Humphrey (aka RAD Moose), BlogStation (Sat. Only)
  21. Terry Heaton, DONATA
  22. Mark Glaser PBS Mediashift
  23. Tom Biro The Media Drop, Open the Dialogue, AdJab, MWW Group 
  24. Peter Levinson, AllBusiness.com
  25. Matthew Carrico, Pro CNC
  26. Bill Belew, PanAsianBiz, ZhongHuaRising, RisingSunOfNihon, TheBizOfKnowledge, AManWalksIntoAnOffice
  27. John Furrier, PodTech.net 
  28. George Mac Donald Ephemeral Workbench 
  29. Jen McClure Society for New Communications Research 
  30. Mark Bernstein Eastgate Tinderbox
  31. Paul Kapustka, pulvermedia
  32. Chip Vanek
  33. Bill Quick, Daily Pundit
  34. Doug Kaye, The Conversations Network
  35. Kevin Braithwaite
  36. Tony Gentile, buzzhit!, Healthline
  37. Carrie Locke
  38. Jeff Baron
  39. Susan Anderson
  40. Ed Bierman
  41. Paul Auerbach
  42. Rashmi Sinha
  43. Jon Boutelle
  44. Edward Piou piou.org
  45. Judy Dobry
  46. Rob Hof TechBeat: Friday was great, but will have to settle for attending virtually Saturday.
  47. Anil Dash, Six Apart
  48. Kathleen Craig, wired news
  49. Steve Rhodes Tiger Beat
  50. Esme Vos Muniwireles
  51. eileen gittins Blurb
  52. Tara 'miss rogue' Hunt HorsePigCow and Citizen Agency (dropping in as I am moderating at Supernova)
  53. Dave Hodson MSN Alerts
  54. Lisa Williams OPML Fan and Lisa Williams' Weblog and H2otown
  55. Ben Gross
  56. Trudy Claudy Hampshire House
  57. Eddie Codel, Geek Entertainment TV
  58. Kath Gill, uspolitics and wiredpen.com - I should have done this last week when I came in but didn't see the sign up page. :-/
  59. Jen Bennett
  60. Jeremiah Owyang Web Strategy by Jeremiah
  61. Richard Bennett The Original Blog
  62. Eileen Zar
  63. Chris Ritke blog
  64. Rachna website
  65. Brian Sullivan CivicEvolution
  66. Ed Terpening Wells Fargo
  67. Jake Ludington MediaBlab
  68. Ross Rader, Tucows, Domain Direct  (formerly #84) Everyone moves up a spot! It kills me to say this, but I can't make it. I hope everyone has a gas, learns a ton and makes everything just a little bit better than it is today.
  69. Alexander Grundner eHomeUpgrade
  70. Lauren Elliott W3pn 
  71. Ben Metcalfe blog (am coming a long way so hope I get in!)
  72. Eric Risley Architect Partners
  73. Yobie Benjamin GoodStorm.com
  74. John Anderson ClipClip
  75. Hans Chung CrispAds
  76. Thomas Hawk Zooomr, Thomas Hawk's Digital Connection
  77. Manka Johnson OneAccord
  78. Deepak Goel
  79. Gerard Ramos
  80. Michal Klar
  81. Scott McMullan, ehick.
  82. Dylan Tweney, PCMagCast, tinywords, and The Tweney Review
  83. Jim Zellmer, zmetro www.schoolinfosystem.org Doubtful
  84. Harrison Lynch, letstalk.com
  85. C Lee 
  86. Don Hopkins, blog  -- do not use while driving or operating heavy machinery
  87. Rich Willits
  88. Shannon Clark, MeshForum and blog will try to be there Friday (if there is space for me...)
  89. Dan Nash
  90. Chris Preimesberger, eWeek.com blog

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